16:40, 12 February 2021Lorenanjtalkcontribs deleted page Public Service Broadcasters licence fee(content was: "Public service broadcasting (slang: "GEZ") offers independent information as well a high-quality entertainment. A diversity of programmes is available on television, on the radio and also online to keep you up to date wherever you are. Our extensive media library provides up-to-date content on your laptop, tablet and smartphone. To make this offer available for everyone, the German public service broadcasters are finan- ced by the licence fee. This fee amounts to €17.50 per...")
13:41, 5 January 2021Kissmandretalkcontribs deleted page TH Lübeck(content was: "The Technical University of Applied Sciences Lübeck (Technische Hochschule Lübeck) is a university located in Lübeck. It offers programs in applied natural sciences, building industries, electrical technology and engineering and mechanical engineering and economics.", and the only contributor was "Kissmandre" (talk))
15:26, 17 December 2020Lorenanjtalkcontribs deleted page Holding a Master craftsman's examination(content before blanking was: "<loop_area type="question">I have a Master Craftsman's Examination certificate. Is it possible to study at TH LÜbeck with this qualification?</loop_area> A master craftsman's examination or similar advanced training (such as state-certified technician, business economist, certified specialist) entitles the holder to study in all Bachelor's degree courses in accordance with § 39 of the Higher Education Act, provided that the courses comprise at least 400 teach...")
18:38, 11 November 2020Anja Lorenztalkcontribs deleted page Hauptseite(Inhalt war: „<strong>LOOP wurde erfolgreich installiert.</strong> Hilfe zur Benutzung und Konfiguration der Wiki-Software finden Sie im [https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Contents Benutzerhandbuch]. == Starthilfen == * [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Configuration_settings Liste der Konfigurationsvariablen] * [https://www.mediawik…“. Einziger Bearbeiter: MediaWiki default (Diskussion))