The semester ticket is a state-wide travel ticket for students that allows you to use public transport such as buses and trains for free.
It is valid for public transport
If you study in Lübeck, the ticket is also valid for
It is not valid
To obtain your semester ticket, you will need:
When you load this media, content is loaded by the service providers and your IP address is transfered to them.
Your student ID is not valid as a semester ticket.
In principle, a refund of the semester ticket fee is not possible. The ticket is financed on a solidarity basis. As an individual, a comparable ticket costs more than 3,000 € per year. However, exceptions for reimbursement are regulated by the statutes of the AStA.
On request to the AStA, the following persons may receive a refund of the fee for the local and the national semester ticket:
Exceptions must be applied for in writing to the AStA by the end of the first month of the semester using the appropriate form!
If you have further questions regarding the ticket, please contact the General Students' Committee (AStA) of the Technische Hochschule Lübeck.
Technische Hochschule