All applicants who acquired their university entrance qualification outside the Federal Republic of Germany apply via uni-assist, the Service Centre for International Student Applications. Uni-assist evaluates the study qualifications for the chosen degree programme on behalf of the TH Lübeck.
Go to the uni-assist website. For a detailed description of the application procedure, please read the Uni-Assist checklist (PDF).
Application processing usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks after receipt of application and payment. Uni-assist will inform you of the result of the examination in the form of a letter and an e-mail.
If you meet the admission requirements, uni-assist will send your application documents to TH Lübeck.
Very important information for studying Architecture, Civil Engineering, Business Administration and Industrial Engineering and Management
Technische Hochschule
Bewerbungs-ID (applicant ID)
Bewerbungsauthentifizierungsnummer (applicant authentication number)