Lernraum is the online learning environment for TH Lübeck. Based on the Moodle software, it is the main information and communication medium for students.
Access is only available for enrolled students. The key elements of the Lernraum are single course sites. For each module taught at TH Lübeck, there is a course site created in the Lernraum.
Here, students can
Lecturers publish deadlines and assignments on the course page and can send messages to all enrolled students.
In addition to the course sites for academic modules, there are also course sites created for organizational purposes. In general, there is no enrolment key required to enrol for these course sites.
These organizational course sites could be provided by
The course pages are structured in different folders. Each department has a folder that provides further folders for each study programme. These programme-specific folders contain the course pages for the single modules in that particular programme.
When you load this media, content is loaded by the service providers and your IP address is transfered to them.
Technische Hochschule