6.1 IT services

You can use a whole range of IT services of the TH Lübeck. These services are provided by the data center. They also provide IT support, which can help you with central questions or problems.

THL-IT account for students[]

All students automatically gets a THL-IT account with their enrollment. It provides access to the IT services provided by TH Lübeck. You will receive the access data by mail (regular letter).

There are some standards that you can easily keep in mind:

  • Your username is your matriculation number.
  • The pattern of your personal e-mail address is firstname.lastname@stud.th-luebeck.de. This can also be helpful if you want to contact fellow students. The pattern for university employees is usually firstname.lastname@th-luebeck.de.

Which IT services can be used?[]

E-mail (Exchange account)[]

With your enrollment, you will automatically get a personal e-mail address. It is easy to memorize, as it is composed like firstname.lastname@stud.th-luebeck.de.


You will always receive news and messages from the TH Lübeck to this address. Therefore, check this mailbox regularly!

You should also use this email address to contact professors or other university employees. In this way, they can easily see that your e-mail is a serious request and no SPAM.

There are two ways to do this:

  • Use webmail to retrieve emails directly in your browser. The URL is https://webmail.th-luebeck.de. We recommend you to bookmark it!
  • You can also configure the TH Lübeck mailbox in your regular email program as well as in your smartphone app (via IMAP). You can find out more about this in the Lernraum course of the data center.



Network storage (Home directory)[]

HIS online portal (QIS)[]

Access to the "Lernraum"[]

Access to PC workstations in the domain[]

More information and support[]

There is a central course in the "Lernraum" where you can find all information you need to get access to IT services of TH Lübeck:

  • Instuctions and manuals,
  • news on current issues and problems,
  • news on updates or new services,
  • more information on the respective IT services,
  • FAQ sections, and
  • information on how to contact the IT support and more information on specific contact persons.