Can I study at TH Lübeck if my High School certificate is not recognised in Germany?
(Remark: If your high school certificate is recognised in Germany, you do not need this section and can go on to the next one.)
TH Lübeck accepts Studienkolleg Certificate (FSP) as a valid university entry qualification. Studienkolleg offers academic bridging courses to prepare university applicants for doing a degree programme at a German university.
If you have earned a school leaving certificate which entitles you to go to university in your home country, which is, however, not recognised as a higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, HZB) in Germany, you must attend a Studienkolleg before you commence your studies.
This is required since the school system, the teaching contents, or the duration of school attendance may be so different from those in Germany that preparatory studies at a Studienkolleg are mandatory in order to be able to study successfully. Even though the mode of instruction, comparable requirements, and common goals held at the Studienkollegs are identical, teaching contents and application procedures may differ from Studienkolleg to Studienkolleg, or in the individual federal states.
The university Studienkollegs offer the following specialised courses as preparation for studying at university:
The University of Applied Sciences Studienkollegs offer the following specialised courses as preparation for studying:
Evaluatuation: Progress Check Test for key words 2 Methods: Multiple Choices and Vocabulary Cards Task: Definition of terms and assessment of knowledge Points/Badges: ?? maybe 30
Technische Hochschule