The culture shock model (Oberg 1960) provides a theoretical basis for what people experience when they spend some time living abroad.
The following figure shows the different phases in a culture shock:
In most cases, a variety of so-called expatriate stress symptoms can occur of different types and intensities.
Of course, there are also phase-specific differences and differences in character and experience. People who have been abroad several times, e.g. those in diplomatic service, have almost no more stress symptoms after a few international assignments.
It is important that you get in touch with the topic before you go abroad. Then you will know that it will get better again after the down time. This will help you to cope with the bad times and not give up. You can also prepare individual strategies for coping and discuss them with other people, e.g. in preparatory workshops.
Such strategies could look like this:
If you inform yourself about the opportunities beforehand on the internet, you can get in touch before your trip and arrange an appointment.
So it is about being aware of potentially stressful situations, thinking about the intensity with which you might react to them, and what might help you to get through the culture shock.
If you spend a year or longer in Germany, you should do the same again when you travel home.
Who can the students turn to if they face great difficulties and are unable to get out of the crisis phase?
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