4.3 Studentenwerk services

Services offered by the Studentenwerk: Mensa, cafeteria, social counseling, psychosocial counseling

Counselling Services of the Studentenwerk[]

  • Social counselling: In addition to other matters, the experts provide information on insurance and student financing. They answer questions about scholarships, student loans and about part-time jobs during your studies, not to mention health insurance. They are also the contacts for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses.
  • Psychological Counseling: If you have any personal conflicts or problems, such as exam nerves or self-esteem problems, you can turn to the psychological counseling of the Studentenwerk SH for help.
  • Buddy Program: The Study-Buddy-Program, offered by the Studentenwerk SH, is a mentoring program for German and international students. The program seeks to promote intercultural life at universities. This gives both "Buddies" the chance to learn more about each other's language /culture. In addition, the Studentenwerk SH regularly organizes various events for international students.


Students with children[]

There are a variety of offers for students with children, e.g. financial assistance, childcare centres, diaper-changing facilities and options for taking special time off. Please note that special regulations apply in some cases for international students.

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Ansprechpartner*innen für die unterschiedlichen Hochschulstandorte in Schleswig-Holstein finden Sie in dieser Broschüre: https://www.studentenwerk.sh/cms/upload/pdf/Soziales/Broschuere_Studieren_mit_Kind_2019.pdf

In dieser Broschüre ist unter Kapitel 5 aufgelistet, welche Leistungen internationale Studierende in Anspruch nehmen können.