What are the application requirements for Bachelor programmes?
Secondary School leaving Certificate is a prerequisite for admission to an undergraduate course of study at the Technische Hochschule Lübeck. The so called “Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” – or “university entrance qualification is only admissible if it is equivalent to the German higher education entrance qualifications (e. g. Allg. Hochschulreife, Fachhochschulreife). An applicant's eligibility for admission is normally determined on the basis of the secondary school leaving certificate (Maturität/ Baccalaureate/ high school diploma, etc.) For some countries of origin, you are also required to have passed a university entrance exam and/or provide evidence of any time you have already spent at university.
If your secondary school certificate is deemed insufficient for study in Germany, you will have to attend a foundation course (“Studienkolleg”) before you are allowed to enrol.
At TH Lübeck, knowledge of German is a prerequisite for admission for nearly all degree programmes. Accepted German Language Certificates include:
Which German language proficency requirements do I need to study at TH Lübeck?
The necessary language skills must be demonstrated at the time of application.
Can I study at TH Lübeck if my High School certificate is not recognised in Germany?
TH Lübeck accepts Studienkolleg Certificate (FSP) as a valid university entry qualification. Studienkolleg offers academic bridging courses to prepare university applicants for doing a degree programme at a German university.
If you have earned a school leaving certificate which entitles you to go to university in your home country, which is, however, not recognised as a higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, HZB) in Germany, you must attend a Studienkolleg before you commence your studies.
This is required since the school system, the teaching contents, or the duration of school attendance may be so different from those in Germany that preparatory studies at a Studienkolleg are mandatory in order to be able to study successfully. Even though the mode of instruction, comparable requirements, and common goals held at the Studienkollegs are identical, teaching contents and application procedures may differ from Studienkolleg to Studienkolleg, or in the individual federal states.
Which specialised courses do the Studienkollegs offer?
The university Studienkollegs offer the following specialised courses as preparation for studying at university:
The University of Applied Sciences Studienkollegs offer the following specialised courses as preparation for studying:
Steps to Studying at TH Lübeck through Studienkolleg
Evaluatuation: Progress Check Test for key words 2 Methods: Multiple Choices and Vocabulary Cards Task: Definition of terms and assessment of knowledge Points/Badges: ?? maybe 30
Does TH Lübeck offer University foundation course?
LINKplus is a preparatory programme that enables asylum seekers with no formal university entry qualification to get admission into a course of study at the Technical University of Lübeck. This three-semester program issues certificates upon successful completion, which are recognized as TH Lübeck study entry qualification.
More information about LINKplus can be found by following this link.
Is it possibe to study at TH Lübeck if I lost my academic documents?
In Schleswig-Holstein, the following special university entrance options are available to people who do not have a school-based university entrance qualification but a special professional qualification:
The TestAS is a standardised exam which allows universities to compare the scholastic aptitude of their prospective students. TH Lübeck recognises the test results as an alternative for those applicants who have lost their secondary school leaving certificates. The test comprises of three parts: the “onScreen” language test, the Core Test and four subject-specific test modules, with a maximum score of 130 points, whereby a score of 95 points and above is equivalent to the German Abitur level. The four modules include:
Structure of TestAS. picture of TestAs Modules The TestAS certificate is valid indefinitely. Please beware that module one is not applicable to TH Lübeck. Evaluatuation: Progress Check Consider Introducing a short TestAS case study Content: Grading System and Examination Structure Assessment Method:True or False Badges/Points: 10?? I have a Master Craftsman's Examination certificate. Is it possible to study at TH LÜbeck with this qualification?
A master craftsman's examination or similar advanced training (such as state-certified technician, business economist, certified specialist) entitles the holder to study in all Bachelor's degree courses in accordance with § 39 of the Higher Education Act, provided that the courses comprise at least 400 teaching hours.
If the higher education entrance qualification does not show an average grade that is determined by a decimal point, a special certificate of the average grade of the institution at which the degree was obtained must be provided. Those who do not provide evidence of an average grade will be placed after the last application with an ascertainable average grade.
The application does not require any special form and is submitted online via university website within the regular application deadlines.
What other possibilities are avaiable for me if I don't posses offical academic qualifications?
Persons without a school-leaving certificate but with a qualified vocational training and work experience can apply for a course of study at TH Lübeck. In the courses of study with restricted admission, 1-2 trial students can be admitted per semester (depending on the admission capacity of the course of study). There is no space restriction in the free-admission programmes. In both cases, the following requirements must be met:
If you have any questions, please call (0451) 300-5012 or send an e-mail.
This test applies to persons without a school-based higher education entrance qualification but particularly high qualifications in vocational training, in employment or in further education. The university aptitude test is an individual oral examination. It is a one hour test that consists of a general and subject-specific specialist sections. The general section is based on social, economic or cultural topics, including skills and knowledge in mathematics, in a natural science and in a foreign language. The subject-specific examination section focuses on the essential requirements of the intended course of study.
If you have any questions, please call (0451) 300-5012 or send an e-mail.
Important to know: For admission to the degree course in Hearing Acoustics, B.Sc.Hearing Acoustics, B.Sc., additional proof of vocational training in hearing aid acoustics is mandatory.
I began my studies abroad. Is it possible to continue and complete my studies at TH Lübeck?
A university transfer or a change of study program within the Technische Hochschule Lübeck to a higher semester is only possible if you have completed enough creditable work for the new study program. If this is not the case, you would have to apply for the first semester within the regular application period. Therefore, please apply in advance for a placement certificate from the examination board of the responsible department at Technische Hochschule Lübeck. Please contact the responsible department secretariat directly to find out which documents have to be submitted.
If you have previously studied the same course of study at another university of applied sciences, no certificate of placement is required. In this case, you will automatically be placed in the consecutive semester. For applicants who have acquired their university entrance qualification outside of Germany, a direct application is only possible if 90 ECTS at a German university and sufficient German language skills are proven. Otherwise the application must be made via uni-assist.
If a required course examination is ultimately not passed, further study in the same course of study at the same type of university is not possible according to the applicable regulations.
Therefore, if you have definitively failed a course of study at a university, further study at the Technische Hochschule Lübeck in the same course of study is permitted. However, if you have definitively failed a course of study at a university of applied sciences, you cannot continue your studies in the same course of study at the TH Lübeck.
What are the application requirements for Master programmes?
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) or Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) degree is a pre-requisite for admission to graduate studies at TH Lübeck. Admission requirements vary from program to program. Therefore close attention should be paid to the specific admission information for the Master’s program in question. In general, the overall grade of the Bachelor’s degree for most of these programmes must be equivalent to at least a grade of 2.5 in the German grading system with a minimum of 210 Credit Points. The degree certificate (certificate of graduation, examination certificate) needs to be submitted with the application. Please note: Application is not possible in the absence of the final degree certificates.
If you are not a native English speaker, an internationally accepted language test certificate such as the TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge Certificate is a prerequisite. A score of at least 80 points (internet based TOEFL) or 550 points (paper based TOEFL) or a comparable result in another international test is required. This requirement is mostly applicable to master’s programmes. The following exceptions may apply:
Applicants must support these exceptions with adequate and officially certified documents.
'Progress Check Task: Test for comprehension and understanding 2 Methods: Filling in blank spaces and Memory Cards Points/Badges: ?? maybe 30 or more Bei diesem Text müsste man zu verschiedenen Punkten springen können, z.B. wenn man das Abitur in Deutschland absolviert hat. (Verlinkung)
Technische Hochschule
Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang
Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (voluntary social year)
Bachelor of Science
European Credit Transfer System (Credit Points)
Bachelor of Engineering
Test of English as a Foreign Language
International English Language Testing System