2.5 Accommodation

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==== Dormitory (offered by "Studentenwerk") ====
Single apartments start at approx. 300 €, shared flats / WG (shared bathroom and kitchen, not separated by gender) at approx. 212 €. There is a high demand for rooms in the dormitories. You should not rely on getting a place there![https://www.studentenwerk.sh/en/accommodation/dormitories/luebeck/luebeck.html Further Information]<br>
Apartments on the free market start at about 450 € warm (warm = rent, heating and water). A room in a shared flat at approx. 350 € warm.
In the student dormitory as well as on the free market you must make a deposit. For the dormitory you have to pay 300 € to the Studentenwerk. On the free market you have to expect to pay more.  When you move out, you will receive the deposit back, provided that the rented property is left in a good condition.<br>

Revision as of 17:17, 3 February 2021

Students in Lübeck either live in a student hall of residence or a private accommodation. Finding an accommodation is your own responsibility and we recommend to start looking as early as possible.

Medium: Video mit zwei Studierenden Beispiel: https://www.study-in-germany.de/blog/life/vlog-2019-episode-10-accommodation/

Student_in A zeigt das Zimmer im Studentenwohnheim. Sie / er erzählt welches Wohnheim es ist, Anzahl der Mitbewohner (keine Geschlechtertrennung) eigenes Zimmer, geteiltes Bad + Küche, gemeinsames Leben, Bewerbungsverfahren, weitere Einrichtungen (Bar, Partykeller, Waschraum) etc. Student_in B zeigt das Zimmer in einer WG (Punkte siehe oben)

Student residence halls[]

The Studentenwerk SH runs four residence halls in Lübeck (two on campus and two in the city center). Students have their own room but share common facilities like kitchen and bathroom. A room in the residence hall is the most affordable accommodation you will find. Rent for the partly furnished rooms vary from 212 € to 407 € per month depending on the size of the room. In addition, a deposit of 300 € is required and rooms will be allocated around 6 weeks before the start of the semester. However, rooms are in high demand. You should apply as soon as you receive your notification of admission from Technische Hochschule Lübeck. Note that the residence halls are gender-mixed, female and male students living togehter on one floor. Detailed information on the residence halls and how to apply for a room can be found on the [www.studentenwerk.sh/en/accommodation/dormitories/luebeck/index.html website of the Studentenwerk SH]. In addition to the residence halls run by the Studentenwerk SH, there are a few other residence halls run by private operators.

Private accommodation[]

On the private housing market, you can find everything from furnished single rooms to empty flats. The most popular accommodation type among students is a flat share (in German: WG or Wohngemeinschaft). Students live together in a flat with everyone having his or her own room and share the kitchen and bathroom, sometimes even a common living room. Furthermore, you share the costs for utilities. Living together in a flat-share is very personal, therefore, you will be interviewed by the other flatmates. They will be looking for a room mate that has similiar interest and might become a friend, not only a flat mate. Another option might be for you to rent a flat and look for flat mates to share the flat with.

If you cannot move-in on your day of arrival, we recommend to book a bed in one of the youth hostels or on short-term accommodation like airbnb or couchsurfing. Do not travel to Lübeck without having arranged accommodation for at least the first nights!

A list of popular website to look for private accommodation is provided on the website of the International Office.

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