1.4.1 Application Deadlines

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Internal Aptitude Test:
* For the following Winter Semester 15th April
* For the following summer semester 15th October
The application is not made online via TH Lübeck website, but in writing using the Application Form for Internal Aptitude Test [https://www.th-luebeck.de/fileadmin/media/02_Studium/07_Studienstart/Antrag_HEP_TH.pdf Application Form for Internal Apåtitude Test]. 
TH Lübeck Foundation Course LINKplus Program:
* The application phase for the following academic year is open until end of February. Academic year begins in April every year.

Revision as of 16:36, 15 December 2020

https://www.th-luebeck.de/studium-und-weiterbildung/bewerbung/online-bewerbung/uebersicht/ Internal Aptitude Test:

  • For the following Winter Semester 15th April
  • For the following summer semester 15th October

The application is not made online via TH Lübeck website, but in writing using the Application Form for Internal Aptitude Test Application Form for Internal Apåtitude Test.

TH Lübeck Foundation Course LINKplus Program:

  • The application phase for the following academic year is open until end of February. Academic year begins in April every year.