6.4 Student initiatives

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Student Initiatives
===Student Initiatives===
AStA, STuPa and Student Council
The General Student Committee (AStA) is the governing organ and external representative of the student body. The student body includes all students enrolled at the university. A central governing board is responsible for representing the interests of the student body. The board is open to all students of the university and is elected annually. This body is called the Student Parliament (StuPa). The representatives of the departments represent the interests of the students of the individual departments of TH Lübeck.

====AStA, STuPa and Student Council====

Seagulls Lübeck
The [https://www.th-luebeck.de/gremien-thl/gremien/asta/aufgaben/ General Student Committee (AStA)] is the governing organ and external representative of the student body. The student body includes all students enrolled at the university. A central governing board is responsible for representing the interests of the student body. The board is open to all students of the university and is elected annually. This body is called the [https://www.th-luebeck.de/gremien-thl/gremien/stupa/aufgaben/ Student Parliament (StuPa]. The representatives of the departments represent the interests of the students of the individual departments of TH Lübeck.
Every year the Seagulls team develops and builds a racing car based on the rules of Formula Student. This vehicle is presented at at least one international event during summer.
* [https://www.th-luebeck.de/studium-und-weiterbildung/studentisches-leben/studentische-vertretungen/ general Information]
* [https://www.th-luebeck.de/gremien-thl/gremien/fs-an/aufgaben/ Student council - Applied Nature Sciences]
* [https://www.th-luebeck.de/gremien-thl/gremien/fs-bau/aufgaben/ Student council - Civil Engineering]
* [https://www.th-luebeck.de/gremien-thl/gremien/fs-tw/alles-zur-tw/ Student council - Technology and Economy]
Students at Work is a student business consultancy in Lübeck. Student business consultancies are student associations that made it their goal to offer students a platform where they can gain practical experience in challenging business consulting projects while studying.
TH Choir
Everyone who likes singing is invited to drop by and join in. There are no admission criteria, such as an audition or something similar

====Seagulls Lübeck====
Every year the [https://seagulls-luebeck.de/who-we-are/ Seagulls team] develops and builds a racing car based on the rules of Formula Student. This vehicle is presented at at least one international event during summer.

[http://www.saw-jc.de/ Students at Work] is a student business consultancy in Lübeck. Student business consultancies are student associations that made it their goal to offer students a platform where they can gain practical experience in challenging business consulting projects while studying.

====TH Choir====
Everyone who likes singing is invited to drop by and join in [https://www.th-luebeck.de/gremien-thl/informationen/allgemeine-informationen/th-chor/ TH Choir]. There are no admission criteria, such as an audition or something similar.
Medium: Screencast: Slideshow und Stimme aus dem Off liest Text oben vor.
Medium: Screencast: Slideshow und Stimme aus dem Off liest Text oben vor.

Revision as of 14:24, 10 November 2020

Student Initiatives[]

AStA, STuPa and Student Council[]

The General Student Committee (AStA) is the governing organ and external representative of the student body. The student body includes all students enrolled at the university. A central governing board is responsible for representing the interests of the student body. The board is open to all students of the university and is elected annually. This body is called the Student Parliament (StuPa. The representatives of the departments represent the interests of the students of the individual departments of TH Lübeck.

Seagulls Lübeck[]

Every year the Seagulls team develops and builds a racing car based on the rules of Formula Student. This vehicle is presented at at least one international event during summer.


Students at Work is a student business consultancy in Lübeck. Student business consultancies are student associations that made it their goal to offer students a platform where they can gain practical experience in challenging business consulting projects while studying.

TH Choir[]

Everyone who likes singing is invited to drop by and join in TH Choir. There are no admission criteria, such as an audition or something similar.

Medium: Screencast: Slideshow und Stimme aus dem Off liest Text oben vor.