6.5 Gründercube & FabLab

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Medium: Kurzes Video
Medium: Screencast: Slidwshow und Stimme aus dem Off liest Text oben vor.

Revision as of 11:49, 15 September 2020

At the heart of the University Campus stands the GründerCube, a central coordination and counselling center for all start-up related questions, which is financed by the Gemeinnützige Sparkassenstiftung zu Lübeck and the Possehl Foundation. This is where the Institute for Entrepreneurship and the Institute for Business De-velopment of the Universität zu Lübeck and TH Lübeck are located. It offers various events on the topics of business start-up and management. These serve to teach you entrepreneurial thinking and qualify you for self-employment. The GründerCube is your direct point of contact for all questions concerning business start-ups and self-employment:

• Initial consultation for start-up projects - Coaching and support of start-up teams, especially in the preparation of a business plan - Support through our network - Consulting and support (application) in the area of EXIST Research Transfer and Business Start-up Grant, VIP+, GOBIO and Business Start-up Grant Schleswig-Holstein - Development of further financing possibilities Further information, links to events and contact persons can be found here: https://www.gruendercube.de/gruendercube/leistungen.html

FabLab Lübeck There are always phases of design drafts on the way from the idea to the product. The FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory) presents an open high-tech workshop with the aim of supporting science and industry in teaching, research and knowledge trans-fer by providing prototyping tools. The current laboratory equipment offers plenty of room for creativity and ideas that can be implemented in functional models and pro-totypes. Further information about the FabLab: https://www.fablab-luebeck.de/de

Medium: Screencast: Slidwshow und Stimme aus dem Off liest Text oben vor.