6.5 Gründercube & FabLab

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== GründerCube ==
== GründerCube ==
At the heart of the University Campus stands the GründerCube, a central coordination and counselling center for all start-up related questions, which is financed by the Gemeinnützige Sparkassenstiftung zu Lübeck and the Possehl Foundation.  
The GründerCube is located at the heart of the campus. It is a central coordination and consulting center for all questions concerning business start-ups.  

This is where the Institute for Entrepreneurship and the Institute for Business De-velopment of the Universität zu Lübeck and TH Lübeck are located.It offers various events on the topics of business start-up and management. These serve to teach you entrepreneurial thinking and qualify you for self-employment.  
The Institute for Entrepreneurship and the Institute for Business Development of the University of Lübeck and the TH Lübeck are located here. They offer various events on the topics of business start-ups and management. Students as well as academic staff have the opportunity to learn entrepreneurial thinking and to become qualified for starting their own business.
The GründerCube is your direct point of contact for all questions concerning business start-ups and self-employment:

* Initial consultation for start-up projects - Coaching and support of start-up teams, especially in the preparation of a business plan
Services provided by the GründerCube include:
* Support through our network  
* Initial consulting for start-up ventures: Coaching and support for start-up teams, especially in the development of business plans.
* Consulting and support (application) in the area of EXIST Research Transfer and Business Start-up Grant, VIP+, GOBIO and Business Start-up Grant Schleswig-Holstein
* Support by a network of companies and consultants.
* Development of further financing possibilities
* Consulting and support in applying for funding.
Further information, links to events and contact persons can be found [https://www.gruendercube.de/gruendercube/leistungen.html here]
* Identifying further financing opportunities.
<loop_area type="websource">[https://www.gruendercube.de/gruendercube.html Further information, links to events and contact information]</loop_area>

==FabLab Lübeck==
==FabLab Lübeck==

Revision as of 16:28, 27 July 2021


The GründerCube is located at the heart of the campus. It is a central coordination and consulting center for all questions concerning business start-ups.

The Institute for Entrepreneurship and the Institute for Business Development of the University of Lübeck and the TH Lübeck are located here. They offer various events on the topics of business start-ups and management. Students as well as academic staff have the opportunity to learn entrepreneurial thinking and to become qualified for starting their own business.

Services provided by the GründerCube include:

  • Initial consulting for start-up ventures: Coaching and support for start-up teams, especially in the development of business plans.
  • Support by a network of companies and consultants.
  • Consulting and support in applying for funding.
  • Identifying further financing opportunities.

FabLab Lübeck[]

There are always phases of design drafts on the way from the idea to the product. The FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory) presents an open high-tech workshop with the aim of supporting science and industry in teaching, research and knowledge trans-fer by providing prototyping tools. The current laboratory equipment offers plenty of room for creativity and ideas that can be implemented in functional models and pro-totypes. Further information about the FabLab

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