6.2 Student Service Centre

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Das Studierenden Service Centrum (SSC) besteht aus:
<loop_index id="5ff44772f2a04">Zulassungsstelle</loop_index>
International Office (IO)
<loop_index id="5ff44772f2a0d">Sprachenzentrum</loop_index>
Career Development (CD)
<loop_index id="5ff44772f2a13">Career Development</loop_index>
<loop_index id="5ff44772f2a17">International Office</loop_index>

International Office
The Student Service Center (SSC) includes:
* the International Office (IO),
* the Career Development (CD),
* the Language Center, and
* the Admission Office.

Career Development (CD)
Das CD bietet kostenfreie Services für Studierende aller Fachbereiche und Semester der Technischen Hochschule Lübeck sowie für ihre Absolvent*innen bis zwei Jahre nach Abschluss des Studiums. Die Angebote des CD:

• Einzelberatungen zu Studien-, Berufs- und Karrierefragen
==International Office (IO)==
The International Office facilitates communication between the THL administration, departments and students in international issues.

• Hilfe bei der Suche nach Praktika, Vorpraktika, Jobs, Nebenjobs, Stipendien
It provides:
* Service and support for international students and scientists, as well as
* Service and support for Refugees.

• Bewerbungsmappenchecks
<loop_area type="websource">More information and contact data can be found on the [https://www.th-luebeck.de/en/studium-und-weiterbildung/internationales-incoming/international-office-for-incomings/ website of the International Office].</loop_area>

• Workshops zur Entwicklung von Schlüsselkompetenzen, Bewerbungstrainings sowie Workshops zur Lebens- und Karriereplanung

• Kleine Bibliothek rund um Stellensuche, Berufsfelder und Arbeitsmöglichkeiten
==Career Development (CD)==
The Career Development offers free services for students of all departments and semesters of the TH Lübeck, as well as for graduates for up to two years after graduation.

• Datenbank zur Suche nach Unternehmen
Services of the CD:
* Individual guidance concerning questions about studying, professions and professional careers,
* Assistance in finding internships, pre-internships, jobs, part-time jobs, scholarships,
* Check of CVs and cover letters,
* Workshops on the development of key competencies, application training as well as workshops on life and career planning,
* Access to further resources on finding a job, professional opportunities, and career options
* Access to a company search database

Quizfragen: Was bietet das Career Development an? Bewerbungsmappenchecks, Workshops, Unterstützung bei der Praktikums- und Jobsuche, Mittagessen
<loop_area type="websource">More information and contact data can be found on the [https://www.th-luebeck.de/en/study-and-further-education/study-guidance/internships-and-career/ website of the Career Development].</loop_area>

Fremdsprachenkompetenz ist eine Schlüsselqualifikation für alle Studierenden, die ihre beruflichen Chancen im In- und Ausland sichern möchten. Das Sprachenzentrum versorgt internationale Studierende mit Deutschkursen auf allen Niveaustufen. Die Teilnahme an den Kursen des Sprachenzentrums ist kostenlos. Je nach Studienordnung und individuellem Studienverlauf sind für diese Kurse Leistungspunkte anrechenbar.
Folgende Sprachkurse werden angeboten:
Englisch, Deutsch, Chinesisch, Französisch, Russisch, Schwedisch, Spanisch

Anmeldung über den Lernraum. Schnell sein! Gleich nach Erhalt der Mail, dass die Kurse online sind anmelden, sonst sind sie voll.
==Language Center==
To ensure career opportunities at home and abroad, students need to be competent in foreign languages. The Language Center provides international students with German courses at all levels, as well as courses in other languages. Taking part in the courses offered by the Language Center is free of charge. Based on the respective curriculum and individual study progress, these courses can be credited with ECTS.

The selection of languages and courses changes slightly from semester to semester. Usually, courses are offered for the following languages:
* English
* German
* Chinese
* French
* Russian
* Swedish
* Spanish

Medium: Screencast
<loop_area type="websource">More information and contact data can be found on the [https://www.th-luebeck.de/en/studium-und-weiterbildung/studienangebot/language-center/ website of the Language Center]. Registration is done via the [https://lernraum.th-luebeck.de/course/view.php?id=1071 THL Lernraum].</loop_area>
<loop_area type="important">Language courses are very popular and therefore rapidly fully booked. Thus, you should be aware of the time when the registration for the courses will be activated. Be on time and book your course immediately!</loop_area>
== Admission Office ==
Finally, the Admissions Office is part of the Student Service Center. It takes care of all issues concerning [[admission]] to study programs at the TH Lübeck.

Latest revision as of 11:36, 26 July 2021

The Student Service Center (SSC) includes:

  • the International Office (IO),
  • the Career Development (CD),
  • the Language Center, and
  • the Admission Office.

International Office (IO)[]

The International Office facilitates communication between the THL administration, departments and students in international issues.

It provides:

  • Service and support for international students and scientists, as well as
  • Service and support for Refugees.

Career Development (CD)[]

The Career Development offers free services for students of all departments and semesters of the TH Lübeck, as well as for graduates for up to two years after graduation.

Services of the CD:

  • Individual guidance concerning questions about studying, professions and professional careers,
  • Assistance in finding internships, pre-internships, jobs, part-time jobs, scholarships,
  • Check of CVs and cover letters,
  • Workshops on the development of key competencies, application training as well as workshops on life and career planning,
  • Access to further resources on finding a job, professional opportunities, and career options
  • Access to a company search database

Language Center[]

To ensure career opportunities at home and abroad, students need to be competent in foreign languages. The Language Center provides international students with German courses at all levels, as well as courses in other languages. Taking part in the courses offered by the Language Center is free of charge. Based on the respective curriculum and individual study progress, these courses can be credited with ECTS.

The selection of languages and courses changes slightly from semester to semester. Usually, courses are offered for the following languages:

  • English
  • German
  • Chinese
  • French
  • Russian
  • Swedish
  • Spanish

Language courses are very popular and therefore rapidly fully booked. Thus, you should be aware of the time when the registration for the courses will be activated. Be on time and book your course immediately!

Admission Office[]

Finally, the Admissions Office is part of the Student Service Center. It takes care of all issues concerning admission to study programs at the TH Lübeck.