4.6 QIS Portal

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'''==== 4.6 HIS Online Portal (QIS) ===='''
The HIS Online Portal (also known as QIS) is your way to view and, if necessary, change your personal and study-related information.

<loop_area type="websource">You can reach the HIS online portal (QIS) via https://qis.th-luebeck.de</loop_area>

The HIS online portal (QIS) offers you the possibility to view and, if necessary, change all personal and study-related information. 

'''4.6.1 Importance of QIS'''
== Importance of QIS ==
What you can do via the QIS portal:

QIS portal gives one access to:
<loop_title>General Administration</loop_title>
* Activate your IT account from THL
* Change your contact information (e.&nbsp;g. after moving to a new home)
* Edit your password
<loop_title>Administration of study</loop_title>
* View your charges account, i.&nbsp;e. the semester fee paid for current semester and its breakdown; semester fee for the coming semester and its beakdown as well as bank details for semester fee payment.
* View your study reports for present and past semesters. These certificates of study can be downloaded in PDF format.
<loop_title>Administration of examinations</loop_title>
Here you have four options:
* register or deregister for exams
* see a list of registered exams: You can view a list of all exams registered for which can be downloaded as PDF for your records.
* see a list of deregistered exams:  You can view a list of all cancelled exams  which can be downloaded as PDF for your records.
* see a transcript of your records: Here you can view your study “history” or progress, view your grades, credit points and download your transcript of records.

'''• General Administration:'''

o Activation of  THL-IT Account
== Registration ==
<loop_index id="5ff44864d5279">Examination Registration/De-registration</loop_index>

o Change of contact information
# Log in with the user data of your THL IT account (matriculation number and password).
# After logging in successfully, your personal data will be displayed at the top menu bar and in the administration menu on the left side of the screen.
# Then select the menu item you need, i.e general administration, administration of study, administration of exams, edit password, logout.

o Editing of password

== Examination registration and deregistration ==
To take an exam, you have to '''register''' for it. Only if you successfully pass the exam in a subject, you will receive a grade and have successfully passed the course.

'''• Administration of Study:'''
Please also refer to the [[Information of the departments|examination schedule of your department]]. There you will find, for example, the type of examination with which a subject is completed. This will also give you information on whether you have to register for the exam at the beginning or later in the semester.

o View charges account i.e semester fee paid for current semester and its breakdown; semester fee for the coming semester and its beakdown as well as bank details for semester fee payment.  
If you do not feel ready to take an exam, you should always '''deregister beforehand'''. If you do not deregister in advance, the exam will be rated as "not passed" and it will be counted as one attempt at the exam. Usually, you are only allowed to repeat an exam twice before you are finally exmatriculated.

o Study reports for present and past semesters. These certificates of study can be downloaded in pdf format
This is how you proceed:
# Log into the [https://qis.th-luebeck.de QIS platform] with your username and password.
# Select "Administration of study". This opens four options namely
## Exam Registration/Deregistration
## List of registered Exams
## List of deregistered Exams
## Transcript of Records

'''• Administration of Examinations'''
=== Registration for exams ===

This opens four options namely:
# Click on "Administration of Exams".
# Select "Exam Registration/Deregistration" and follow the instructions on the screen.
# A list of your courses will now be displayed. Select the exams for which you want to register or deregister.
# Click on the green button "registration of exam" to register or the red button "cancel registration of exam" to deregister.
# After that, you will receive an email confirmation of successful registration/deregistration.

o Exam Registration/Deregistration

o List of registered Exams: You can view a list of all exams registered for which can be downloaded as pdf for records.
== Customer Support ==
<loop_index id="5ff4480e32f4b">IT Support</loop_index>

o List of deregistered Exams: You can view a list of all cancelled exams  which can be downloaded as pdf for records.  
If you have problems with the QIS portal, you should contact the support:
* If there are '''questions regarding the displayed data and information''', e.g. if a course is not displayed for which you want to register, please contact the '''secretary's office of the corresponding department'''.
* If you have '''technical problems''', please contact the '''Campus Management Team''' via [http://mailto:cmt@th-luebeck.de cmt@th-luebeck.de].

o Transcript of Records: here you can view your study “history” or progress; view your grades, credit points and download your transcript of records.
<loop_media type="video" title="QIS portal" description="introduction to the QIS portal" index="true" id="60f6f7dcc15b2">{{#ev:youtube|S980QS8lALQ|500|center|introduction to the QIS portal}}</loop_media>
'''4.6.2 Registration'''
• You can reach the HIS online portal (QIS) at https://qis.th-luebeck.de
• Here you log in with the user data of your THL-IT account (matriculation number+password).
• Upon successful login, your personal details will appear on the top men bar and administration menu o the left of the screen.
• Choose the relevant menu  as deemed fit : i.e
o General administration
o Administration of study
o Administration of exams
o Edit Password
o Logout
'''4.6.3 Customer Support'''
• If QIS services are displayed incorrectly, please contact the secretariat of the department.
• If you have technical problems, please contact the campus management team: E-mail: cmt@th-luebeck.de
Medium: Virtuelle Tour durchs QIS

Latest revision as of 17:20, 20 July 2021

The HIS Online Portal (also known as QIS) is your way to view and, if necessary, change your personal and study-related information.

Importance of QIS[]

What you can do via the QIS portal:

  • Activate your IT account from THL
  • Change your contact information (e. g. after moving to a new home)
  • Edit your password
  • View your charges account, i. e. the semester fee paid for current semester and its breakdown; semester fee for the coming semester and its beakdown as well as bank details for semester fee payment.
  • View your study reports for present and past semesters. These certificates of study can be downloaded in PDF format.

Here you have four options:

  • register or deregister for exams
  • see a list of registered exams: You can view a list of all exams registered for which can be downloaded as PDF for your records.
  • see a list of deregistered exams: You can view a list of all cancelled exams which can be downloaded as PDF for your records.
  • see a transcript of your records: Here you can view your study “history” or progress, view your grades, credit points and download your transcript of records.


  1. Log in with the user data of your THL IT account (matriculation number and password).
  2. After logging in successfully, your personal data will be displayed at the top menu bar and in the administration menu on the left side of the screen.
  3. Then select the menu item you need, i.e general administration, administration of study, administration of exams, edit password, logout.

Examination registration and deregistration[]

To take an exam, you have to register for it. Only if you successfully pass the exam in a subject, you will receive a grade and have successfully passed the course.

Please also refer to the examination schedule of your department. There you will find, for example, the type of examination with which a subject is completed. This will also give you information on whether you have to register for the exam at the beginning or later in the semester.

If you do not feel ready to take an exam, you should always deregister beforehand. If you do not deregister in advance, the exam will be rated as "not passed" and it will be counted as one attempt at the exam. Usually, you are only allowed to repeat an exam twice before you are finally exmatriculated.

This is how you proceed:

  1. Log into the QIS platform with your username and password.
  2. Select "Administration of study". This opens four options namely
    1. Exam Registration/Deregistration
    2. List of registered Exams
    3. List of deregistered Exams
    4. Transcript of Records

Registration for exams[]

  1. Click on "Administration of Exams".
  2. Select "Exam Registration/Deregistration" and follow the instructions on the screen.
  3. A list of your courses will now be displayed. Select the exams for which you want to register or deregister.
  4. Click on the green button "registration of exam" to register or the red button "cancel registration of exam" to deregister.
  5. After that, you will receive an email confirmation of successful registration/deregistration.

Customer Support[]

If you have problems with the QIS portal, you should contact the support:

  • If there are questions regarding the displayed data and information, e.g. if a course is not displayed for which you want to register, please contact the secretary's office of the corresponding department.
  • If you have technical problems, please contact the Campus Management Team via cmt@th-luebeck.de.