4.3 Studentenwerk services

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== Students with children ==
== Students with children ==

There are a variety of offers for students with children, e.g. financial assistance, childcare centres, diaper-changing facilities and options for taking special time off. Please note that special regulations apply in some cases for international students.
Students with children can find a wide range of services, e.g. financial support, childcare facilities, nappy-changing facilities and opportunities for special time off. Please note that in some cases there are special regulations for international students.

<loop_area type="websource">You can find [https://www.studentenwerk.sh/de/familie/studieren-mit-kind/index.html#1207 detailed information on the homepage of the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein].
<loop_area type="websource">You can find [https://www.studentenwerk.sh/de/familie/studieren-mit-kind/index.html#1207 detailed information on the homepage of the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein].

Revision as of 17:13, 1 June 2021


A Studentenwerk or Studierendenwerk is a higher education facility providing social support for the students. Via the Studentenwerk, you can benefit for example from the following services: Mensa & cafeteria, social counseling, psychosocial counseling, buddy programmes and services for students with children. Most dorms are managed by the Studentenwerk as well.

Mensa & Cafeteria[]


The Mensa offers several hot and very affordable meals to choose from every day. If you want to buy food there, you need a chip card, which you can buy at the Studentenwerk.


The cafeteria is located on the ground floor of the Mensa building. Some hot dishes (e.g. Currywurst), but also sandwiches, coffee, soft drinks and ice cream are offered here. Here it is also possible to pay in cash.

Counselling Services of the Studentenwerk[]

In the Study Buddy Programme of the Studentenwerk, German and international students will be brought together in a mentoring programme. The idea is to support intercultural life at TH Lübeck. Both "buddies" have the opportunity to learn more about each other's language and culture.

Furthermore, the Studentenwerk regularly organises various events for international students.

At this advisory service, experts provide information on insurance and student financing and other issues. They answer questions about scholarships, student loans and part-time jobs during your studies, but also about health insurance. Furthermore, they are the contact persons for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses.

If you have personal conflicts or problems, such as exam anxiety or problems with your self-esteem, you can contact the psychological counselling service of the Studentenwerk.

Students with children[]

Students with children can find a wide range of services, e.g. financial support, childcare facilities, nappy-changing facilities and opportunities for special time off. Please note that in some cases there are special regulations for international students.

TODO: nachfolgendes ist nicht so gut geeignet, weil deutschsprachig. Ev. könnten wir die Tabelle übernehmen?

Ansprechpartner*innen für die unterschiedlichen Hochschulstandorte in Schleswig-Holstein finden Sie in dieser Broschüre: https://www.studentenwerk.sh/cms/upload/pdf/Soziales/Broschuere_Studieren_mit_Kind_2019.pdf

In dieser Broschüre ist unter Kapitel 5 aufgelistet, welche Leistungen internationale Studierende in Anspruch nehmen können.