4.3 Studentenwerk services

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Medium: Kurzer Film: Essen in der Mensa und Interview mit Frau Prüss (?)
Medium: Kurzer Film: Stimme aus dem Off liest Text oben vor, kurzer Rundgang durch Mensa und Cafeteria wird gezeigt, danach ggbfs. Frau Prüss, die Angebote vorstellt (?)

Revision as of 13:19, 7 July 2020

Services offered by the Studentenwerk: Mensa, cafeteria, social counseling, psychosocial counseling

Mensa The Mensa offers several hot meals to choose from every day. To be able to buy food there, you will need a chip card, which you can buy at the Studentenwerk. https://www.studentenwerk.sh/de/essen/standorte/luebeck/mensa-luebeck/speiseplan.html

Cafeteria On the ground floor of the Mensa building, in the Cafeteria, small hot dishes (e.g. curry sausage), rolls, coffee, soft drinks and ice cream are served. Cash payment is possible here. https://www.studentenwerk.sh/de/essen/standorte/luebeck/cafeteria-in-der-mensa/index.html

Counselling Services of the Studentenwerk

Social counselling: In addition to other matters, the experts provide information on insurance and student financing. They answer questions about scholarships, student loans and about part-time jobs during your studies, not to mention health insurance. They are also the contacts for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses.

Psychological Counseling: If you have any personal conflicts or problems, such as exam nerves or self-esteem problems, you can turn to the psychological counseling of the Studentenwerk SH for help.

Buddy Program: The Study-Buddy-Program, offered by the Studentenwerk SH, is a mentoring program for German and international students. The program seeks to promote intercultural life at universities. This gives both "Buddies" the chance to learn more about each other's language /culture. In addition, the Studentenwerk SH regularly organizes various events for international students.


Medium: Kurzer Film: Stimme aus dem Off liest Text oben vor, kurzer Rundgang durch Mensa und Cafeteria wird gezeigt, danach ggbfs. Frau Prüss, die Angebote vorstellt (?)