7 Contact information

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Nachfolgend eine Musterinstitution
Noch einarbeiten:
* the psychosocial support of the UKSH (psychosoziale Beartung des UKSH)
* the psychosocial emergency service (psychosozialen Notdienst UKSH)
== International Cat Office ==
== International Cat Office ==
… can help you with the following topics:
… can help you with the following topics:

Revision as of 16:33, 28 July 2021

International Cat Office[]

… can help you with the following topics:

  • cat food
  • dog insurance
  • etc

Cat Building no. 2
Cat street 43
23556 Lübeck

email: catoffice@th-luebeck.de
phone: +49 21393/9023040

TODO Musterinstitution kann entfernt werden und bei jeder Institution müssen noch Topics, die sie bedienen ergänzt werden.

Support and Service for international Students and Refugees[]

… can help you with the following topics:

  • visa regulations, e.g. for part-time jobs

contact person: Evans Gumbe
email: international@th-luebeck.de
phone: +49 451 300 5724

Career Development[]

… can help you with the following topics:

  • TODO

contact person: Jasmin Sponholz
email: cd@th-luebeck.de
phone: +49 451 300 5456

China Coordination Office[]

… can help you with the following topics:

  • TODO

email: chinakoordination@th-luebeck.de
phone: +49 451 300 5545

Admission Office[]

… can help you with the following topics:

  • TODO

email: studieren@th-luebeck.de

Personal Study Guidance[]

… can help you with the following topics:

  • TODO

phone: +49 451 300 5644 or - 5629


… can help you with the following topics:

  • TODO

contact person: Evans Gumbe
email: evans.gumbe@th-luebeck.de
phone: +49 451 300 5724


… can help you with the following topics:

  • TODO

contact person: Nicole Grimm
email: nicole.grimm@th-luebeck.de
phone: +49 451 317 028 31


… can help you with the following topics:

  • TODO

contact person: Stefanie Meyer
email: stefanie.meyer@th-luebeck.de
phone: +49 451 300 5733

Department of Applied Natural Sciences[]

email: an@th-luebeck.de
phone: +49 451 300 5017 or - 5254

Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering[]

email: bau@th-luebeck.de
phone: +49 451 300 5159 or - 5113

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science[]

email: ei@th-luebeck.de
phone: +49 451 300 5023 or - 5250

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration[]

email: [mailto: mw@th-luebeck.de mw@th-luebeck.de]
phone: +49 451 300 5537 or - 5302


… can help you with the following topics:

Room 25-2.10

email: it-support@th-luebeck.de
phone: : +49 451/300-5344

TODO Stefanie Prüss vom Studentenwerk fehlt noch wg Stipendien TODO Tabelle entfernen

The International Office Support and Service for international Students and Refugees
international@th-luebeck.de +49 451 300 5724 — Evans Gumbe
The International Office Career Development
cd@th-luebeck.de +49 451 300 5456 - Jasmin Sponholz
The International Office China Coordination Office
chinakoordination@th-luebeck.de +49 451 300 5545
Admission Office Personal Study Guidance
studieren@th-luebeck.de +49 451 300 5644 or - 5629
evans.gumbe@th-luebeck.de +49 451 300 5724 — Evans Gumbe
nicole.grimm@th-luebeck.de +49 451 317 028 31
stefanie.meyer@th-luebeck.de +49 451 300 5733
Department of Applied Natural Sciences
an@th-luebeck.de +49 451 300 5017 or - 5254
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
bau@th-luebeck.de +49 451 300 5159 or - 5113
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
ei@th-luebeck.de +49 451 300 5023 or - 5250
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration
mw@th-luebeck.de +49 451 300 5537 or - 5302